Yangtse Longchen Dzög Chen
The Highest Peak and Vast Expanse of the Great Perfection
Part 2
Yangtse Longchen Dzög Chen is The Highest Peak and Vast Expanse of the Great Perfection. This teaching is a summary of the main portions of Dragpa Korsum, which is one of the four auxiliary sources of information about Dzögchen. Dzögchen Dragpa Korsum is the source of the lineage of Shenlha Odkar. He appears in the form of the Dzogku, the Body of the Perfected Qualities, also called Sambhogakaya of the Three Realms (god, human, and naga).
The author of this text is Lishu Tagring, shown in the image above. Lishu Tagring had a miracle birth as a female named Takza Liwer. She was a good practitioner and at age 360 years she had a gender change to become a male and was named Lishu Tagring. Lishu Tagring was king for 82 years and then married his consort, Choza Bonmo at age 1,200 years. When he was 2,300 years old, he went to Shel Gyi Brag Kar Tse Zong known as the Summit Castle of the White Crystal Cliff and composed this Dzögchen teaching in this place. This is a very unique teaching which is not often made public.
Geshe Denma will explain the story of Lishu Tagring and instruct us in the Dzögchen teaching. Because of the complexity of this teaching, it will be offered in a 3-part series.
The Four Main Texts and Sources for Dzögchen are:
- Zhang Zyung Nyen Gyud
- Atri or Gabpa Gukhor
- Yetri Thasel
- Dragpa Korsum
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IMPORTANT: If, you are not returned to the Ligmincha Texas website and clicking “Return to Ligmincha Texas, Inc.” does not work, email us at info@ligminchatexas.org. Do not wait until the day of the retreat.
After returning to Ligmincha Texas website, you will 1) get the link to the Retreat Handouts & Recordings (SAVE THE LINK), and 2) get the Zoom Registration Link. You must follow the Zoom Registration Link and fill out the form to register. After you are registered with Zoom, a confirmation email will be sent to you by Zoom that includes your personal link to join the retreat.
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Retreat teachings and practices will be taught in English.
Live translation will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian.
Written translations will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and German.
All recordings will be made available to registered participants.
Registrants can choose the following options: $75, $100, and $125. There is also an option to enter a greater or lesser amount. Financial hardship need not prevent practitioners from attending teachings. If your situation warrants it, please pay any amount you can comfortably afford by typing that in the box that says “Other Amount”.
Zoom Registration
In Person Attendance Information and Requirements
- Seating distance is greater than normal, but not 6 feet. There will be room for approximately 13 people in the gompa.
- Ligmincha Texas provides air purification – one large air purifier in the meditation room and one in the office area.
- Attendees must be vaccinated.
- Attendees must test negative within 24 hours of teaching.
- Attendees must feel well, with no symptoms.
- Attendees may masks as desired. Masks are supplied at the door.
- Use of hand sanitizer is encouraged and provided by the center.
- BYO food & drinks. Bottled water is provided at the center.
- Handouts will not be provided on site. You must print out the handouts before hand from the link to the Google Drive folder that will be provided after successful registration, and bring your handouts with you.
Ligmincha Texas, Inc. is making reasonable efforts to prevent the spread of disease and is following CDC guidelines. Attendee understands that the infection rate for COVID continues to fluctuate and that these policies may change to better reflect CDC guidelines in regard to the prevention of contracting Covid-19. Attendee agrees to abide by whatever Ligmincha Texas guidelines are at this retreat. By registering below, the attendee agrees to waive right to bring any claims, including claims of negligence, against Ligmincha Texas, Inc. related to exposure and/or infection by the COVID virus.
Registrants can choose the following options: $75, $100, and $125.
In Person Registration $75
In Person Registration $100
In Person Registration $125
For questions or more information, contact us at info@ligminchatexas.org
Joyful Practice of Ancient Bön Teachings for Living Well
Geshe Denma Gyaltsen is the resident lama of Ligmincha Texas. He arrived in Houston in January 2016 to serve as Ligmincha Texas’s first resident lama.
Geshe Denma was born in northern Nepal. His father brought him to Menri Monastery, India, regarded as the mother Bon monastery in exile, in 1981 to begin his program of study toward the Geshe degree. He received all the Bon teachings, initiations and transmissions in sutra, tantra and dzogchen from His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, the 33rd Menri Trizin, and His Eminence Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.
When he became a senior student, he was asked to teach philosophy to younger students. He successfully completed this degree program in 1996 and was awarded the Geshe certificate, which is considered equivalent to a Ph.D. in Bön Buddhist philosophy and religion.
Geshe Denma was an accomplished teacher and in 1998 was appointed, with the approval of the Tibetan government in exile, first abbot of Zhu Rishing Yungdrung Kundak-Ling Monastery, a Bon Monastery in Sikkim, India by His Holiness. He served two terms in this capacity until 2003. In addition, from the time he graduated until 2008, Geshe Denma also was active in assisting Geshe Nyima Dakpa with the Bon Children’s Home, which houses many children in Dolanji, India, providing them with food, healthcare and free education.