Inner Refuge and Yeshe Walmo with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen
March 17 – April 21, 2019
The Tibetan Language Bön Prayers Program is pleased to announce a new course taught by Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, the resident lama of Ligmincha Texas: Session Two: Inner Refuge and Yeshe Walmo. Students from across the international sangha can deepen their connection to the practice and study of Bön teachings through the weekly live, recorded classes. The course focuses on two central prayers: 1) The Inner Refuge, a beautiful three-part teaching poem composed by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on the doors of body, speech, and mind and 2) The Invocation of Yeshe Walmo, a central ritual text for the fully enlightened protector of Bön, a principal emanation of Sipe Gyalmo. Guided by Geshe Denma’s lively teaching, students will learn Tibetan letter recognition, correct pronunciation and melody of the prayers, and encounter their meaning through Tibetan stories and word study.
There are no prerequisites for the course. No prior knowledge of Tibetan is needed. Whether one took Geshe-la’s Fall 2018 Session One Course on Tibetan Language Daily Prayers or is starting brand new, the class is a great opportunity. The teachings are vast, and the connection is fresh and lively.
Course materials include:
- Tibetan Study Edition of the Prayers including Tibetan script, Wylie transliteration, phonetic transliteration, word-by-word translation, and full English translation
- Tibetan Language Learning Materials to introduce the reading of Tibetan language including the alphabet with Wylie transliteration and the formation of Tibetan syllables with prefixes, superscripts, subscripts, suffixes, and secondary suffixes.
The course implements a blended approach to online learning with both self-paced study and a weekly class. Class materials and discussion forums are hosted on the Ligmincha Learning course page, and the weekly live-class (60 minutes) occurs through Zoom video-conference which will also be recorded. The course is co-designed with Geshe Denma as the lead teacher and Bob Clark, an English teacher and longtime student of Tenzin Rinpoche, as teaching assistant.
The six-week session begins in March 2019 and focuses in-depth on two prayers, studying four verses of Tibetan text for each class. The live class through Zoom video-conference occurs Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM (New York Time).
March 17, 2019: Inner Refuge: Body
March 24, 2019: Inner Refuge: Speech
March 31, 2019: Inner Refuge: Mind
April 7, 2019: Invocation of Yeshe Walmo: Part 1
April 14, 2019: Invocation of Yeshe Walmo: Part 2
April 21, 2019: Invocation of Yeshe Walmo: Part 3
Manifesting Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision for Bön in the West, the Tibetan Language Bön Study program opens another door into the mandala of Bön teachings, deepens individual practice, and provides direct connection with our Bön lamas. Session Three on the Invocation of Tapihritsa is planned for Fall 2019 as well as future online courses in Advanced Bön Text Studies and Tibetan language. We encourage students to make use of this exciting opportunity to study with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen.
Course Dates: March 17 – April 21, 2019
Cost: $150.
Register: click here