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Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, 560 Drumheller Ln, Shipman, VA, 22971, United States
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Du Tri Su Training Program

From March 2025 through April 2027, learn the Du Tri Su Drip Jong, the Yungdrung Bön Ritual for escorting the consciousness of the deceased through the Bardo. This ritual is from the text: The Lamp that Dispels Darkness: The Practice Manual of the DU TRI SU that Purifies Defilements and Liberates All Beings from the Depths of Samsara

The Du Tri Su Drip Jong cycle is a powerful and skillful method of guiding the consciousness of the deceased and protecting that individual from the terrors of the bardo (after death state of the consciousness) experiences. This ritual practice and text stir the depths of samsara and can purify obstacles both for ourselves and for others, the living and the dead. With proper care and respect, it can even lead to the attainment of Buddhahood, or total liberation. When done on behalf of the dead, this ritual protects the consciousness from wandering in the the bardo realms of the intermediate state. These ancient practices and rituals were taught directly by Buddha Tonpa Shenrab, and the tradition has been held and practiced continually until the present day.

This teaching and training of the Du Tri Su Drip Jong are important for Bön practitioners who would like more support for their own preparations for dying, as well as for students who want to benefit those who have died.


This training program will include five 5-day retreats; three retreats will be at Serenity Ridge, and two will be online. There will also be monthly sessions on Zoom where Geshe Denma Gyaltsen and Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar will be available to support students in between retreats. Join us for this special opportunity to learn a powerful ritual from the ancient Yungdrung Bön tradition.

Translation into Spanish: Live simultaneous translation into Spanish will be available for all sessions.

Participants Will Learn

  • The meaning and purpose of this powerful ritual
  • The preparation for the DU TRI SU ritual making the required tormas (offerings)
  • The core prayers and their meaning
  • How to play the Tibetan ritual instruments used in this ritual
  • How to conduct the ritual and learn the melodies of each ritual section

Register and get more information at:


Geshe Denma Gyaltsen is the resident lama of Ligmincha Texas. He arrived in Houston in January 2016 to serve as Ligmincha Texas’s first resident lama.

Geshe Denma was born in northern Nepal. His father brought him to Menri Monastery, India, regarded as the mother Bon monastery in exile, in 1981 to begin his program of study toward the Geshe degree. He received all the Bon teachings, initiations and transmissions in sutra, tantra and dzogchen from His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, the 33rd Menri Trizin, and His Eminence Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.

When he became a senior student, he was asked to teach philosophy to younger students. He successfully completed this degree program in 1996 and was awarded the Geshe certificate, which is considered equivalent to a Ph.D. in Bön Buddhist philosophy and religion.

Geshe Denma was an accomplished teacher and in 1998 was appointed, with the approval of the Tibetan government in exile, first abbot of Zhu Rishing Yungdrung Kundak-Ling Monastery, a Bon Monastery in Sikkim, India by His Holiness. He served two terms in this capacity until 2003. In addition, from the time he graduated until 2008, Geshe Denma also was active in assisting Geshe Nyima Dakpa with the Bon Children’s Home, which houses many children in Dolanji, India, providing them with food, healthcare and free education.


March 12
March 16
Event Category:
Ligmincha International
Organizer Website:
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