Wake up your subtle body through breath, simple visualizations, sounds, and Tibetan yogic movements.
This experiential weekend workshop explores how the potential of your subtle body or sacred anatomy – composed of inner channels and chakras – can be a powerful doorway into the open awareness of our inner refuge or “inner home.”
As you become more familiar with your five chakras, we will practice with the five wisdom breath-energies and the five seed ‘warrior’ syllables, to foster the opportunity to open yourself to the vibrant awareness of your sacred body.
Through practices of breath and gentle movements, we will explore how our channels and chakras support us in connecting to the spaciousness of our inner refuge.
And as we add the five healing sounds, we will awaken the vibration and energy in each chakra, that enhances our awareness and healing qualities.
SATURDAY, Sept 12, 2020
9-10:15am Session 1
10:45-noon Session 2
1:00-2:15 Session 3
2:45-4:00 Session 4
SUNDAY, Sept. 13, 2020
9-10:15 am Session 1
10:45-noon Session 2
Central Daylight Time
Please register by Thursday, September 10th, so that we have time to get the handouts sent to you email for weekend retreat.
Based on financial ability, registrants can choose the following options: $75, $100 and $125.
Financial hardship should not prevent a practitioner from attending teachings. If your circumstance dictates you need to pay a different amount, please enter that amount in the box that says “Other Amount”.
For questions or more information, contact us at info@ligminchatexas.org
The retreat will use Zoom. Prior to the retreat, you will need to download and install the Zoom client, if you have not already.
The retreat will be recorded. Recordings will be made available to registrants after the retreat is finished.
The retreat will be in English and will have live Spanish and Portuguese translations.
Registration is 2 parts.
- Click the button below to pay at PayPal. After payment is completed, wait until you are returned to the Ligmincha Texas website.
- Follow the link to register for the Zoom Meeting.
Please follow both steps, otherwise you will have to be manually added on the day of the retreat and may miss the beginning of the retreat.
Alejandro Chaoul holds a doctoral degree in religious studies from Rice University. He is currently the founding Director of the Mind Body Spirit Institute at the Jung Center Houston. As a faculty member in the Integrative Medicine Program of MD Anderson Cancer Center, where since 1999, he has been leading people with cancer and their family members through mind/body/spirit techniques aimed at reducing stress and facilitating healing. He has engaged in research to determine the benefits of these practices in different populations. Alejandro is the author of Tibetan Yoga for Health and Well-Being and Chöd Practice in the Bön Tradition.
Alejandro has studied Tibetan Buddhist practices and traditions with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Tibetan Bön Teachings with Löpon Tenzin Namdak and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. He brings over 20 years of experience as a teacher of Bön Buddhism and Tibetan yoga. His affiliation with the Ligmincha International has given him the opportunity to teach throughout the United States, Latin America, and Europe. He is a Senior Teacher in the 3 Doors Academy and has been recognized as a Fellow of the Mind & Life Institute.